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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ram Aur Shyam

Author : Dr. Swarup Pal
Batch: 2000

Ram Aur Shyam

Yeah, finally im up to it again. Im back with a new article, the only difference is that this happens to be a real life story. A story bout two friends…..or should I say two foes. Well I leave that for you to decide, while I do what im best at…..narrating the story of course!!!!

Hey hey, just a sec!!! Before I start narrating let me first tell you guys bout a few of the proverbs which I learnt at school.

(1) A friend in need is a friend indeed!!!

(2) If you stand for nothing you will fall for nothing!!!

(3) Handsome is that handsome does!!!

(4) A right thing done at the right time is right, a wrong thing done anytime is wrong, and a right thing done,but, at the wrong time is wrong!!!

No no no… my article is not bout giving you guys a session on English literature, but as you read you will realize that all of these have some relevance….not just in our lives but those of ram and shyam as well.

So lets begin……………

Ram and shyam were bosom friends. They shared many a thing in common…. A common room , a common workplace, a common aspiration, a common studyplace and also a common mobile!!(now that's interesting…a common mobile??? Yes indeed , a common 'mobile'… something that would change their lives forever!??)

And it all happened on one fateful day!! Shyam( read S for studious and sincere,but stupid) had just returned back after an engrossing night at the hospital. He was just about to fall asleep when ram( read R for rascal and rogue,& really smart) requested him for his mobile. Apparently ram always wanted to be a philanthropist and today was the day he had planned to announce his philanthrophism to the world(..but in his own element and by his own wicked means…!!!) He had decided that today he would help the juniors to cheat in the exam.he would sms them the answers and they would simply retrieve the data from their cellphones and pen them on paper. This was a foolproof modus operandi and no one would get caught, ram thought. But it was not to be!?? In his extreme enthusiasm to copy, the junior had forgotten the basic tenet of the art of copying….i.e to hide his resource.His cell was confiscated and he was debarred from the exam. All the smses were traced to their source…shyams mobile!!!

It was evening by now,and shyam had also woken up. Very soon he realized his folly. He had trusted ram and had handed over his cell when he had asked for it , and now he too had become a element of the malpractice( vicarious responsibility,should I say?)

But in his eagerness to protect his skin and his fellow mates he decided that he would keep mum. He would act as a blind spectator to this tribulation and would not open his mouth. ( silence is not always golden…. And shyam would find this out very soon!! )

Three months had passed since this incident had occurred. As usual Ram was in high spirits and why wouldn't he ?? Internship was on the brink of completion….signatures had been forged at MAA hospital and no one had a hint to it . His completion was well in sight.Things were happening exactly as per plans. What a genius I am, Ram thought.

……. It was then that all hell broke loose. Ram received a call from the university asking him about his misconduct. Ram had banged down the phone on a few occasions, and had also tried to switch skins ,saying that this was Amitsin s phone no. (this is where poor Amitsin got dragged into this ordeal…just like shyam would…). Shyam too had his share of misfortunes. He was too questioned by the university, and adversity had his way!! Shyam was proclaimed guilty of being a part of this malpractice. Everything was over! The university had made its decision… The junior was debarred for two and half yrs, Ram(the exam buster..) had to repeat his internship all over again.

Poor shyam was also handed over a one yr repeat , just like Ram. He was victimized. He did not know what to do.He looked around for some support, someone whom he could talk to.But ,suddenly,all his friends had vanished into thin air. All those whom he had protected , had gone into hiding.He felt a sensation of déjà vu all round him. Poor Shyam appealed for mercy but that was not to be,it was all too late. He had to suffer, although for no fault of his.

Well that brings me to the end of this article.

Friends, im sure you all must have experienced a RAM of similar sorts in your everyday life. Such dastardly creatures abound in life.They act like the dog in the manger. Neither do they thrive in life, nor do they let others live in peace.So join hands and strive to put an end to such a menace as and when you come across them , in your life!!!!

NOTE: This article is a work of fiction and the author can not be held responsible for its resemblance to anyone or anything living or dead.
-Dr. Swarup Pal

Posted by Shiva :: Sunday, May 21, 2006 :: 6 comments

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